When it comes to design it’s all in the details! Today we’re discussing one of those details in custom framing that sends a piece over the top. Let’s talk filets!
In the custom framing world, a filet is a small piece of moulding that sits between the art and mat or art and frame. It’s a subtle detail that hugs your art and adds that decorative “wow”.
So what does a filet actually do? Have you ever looked at a room and it feels that it needs something? Maybe the couch is crying for an extra pillow or that armchair needs a throw to tie everything together. A filet does the same thing to your art. It adds that extra bit of visual space or definition that can tie everything together and make it feel “right”. Like with the added detail to your couch, the filet will send the design to the next level of awesomeness! We ended up going with a design inspired by one of our framed botanical examples, that was a compromise between their very different tastes in framing, and their current decor: a double white mat with a filet in between the layers, and both filet and frame are from LJs Hudson collection The silver ingots with all the Chinese zodiac will come out of the box and framed up in the same order in a cobalt blue velvet, with a filet and frame both from Larson. Client liked the printing on the top of the box, so he is going to have one of his graphics people send us the artwork to reproduce on a plaque. << NEXT | PREVIOUS >>
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